Whistling Caverns -By SoD 5/18/2008 [UPDATED] This will be round 2 for this map. Generally I hate re-releasing maps but in this case i felt i had to. After studying the lighting on different maps, I released just how bad the lighting on tribal2 really was. In the U.S., there has never been a limit on gl_modulate. So I've always played with it set to 20+. I can't say that i've ever actually seen a real shadow in this game before until now heh. The lighting in this map still feels off. I'm not exactly sure what it's missing or what to do to fix it. I'm still new to this whole lighting biz in mapping and have a lot to learn before my maps start looking flawless. But dispite that, this version is a whole lot better looking than the first. So here it is, hopefully the final release of this. btw, a lil bird told me to keep an eye out for a tribal3... ===================================================================== Special thanks to... NRGizeR GreyDeath Jabu ===================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.