Teaming Inside The Rocks - by Sabotuer version 1.6 ================================================================================================= *Map Information* Title: Teaming Inside The Rocks - by Sabotuer Filename: teamrocks.bsp Version: 1.6 (probably the final version) Game: Action Quake 2 (u can use this map at any mod at all) Author: Sabotuer EMail Address: Web Address: None (but I hope there will be someone someday) Description: A jungle (mostly like teamjungle) Additional thanks to: Me for making the map, [TNN]Japes for helping me with the lights, the A-Team for creating action quake 2, and all the guys that think my map "ROCKS". Installation: Just unzip it to the quake2\action folder ================================================================================================= *Play Information* Single Player: NO! Cooperative: NO! Deathmatch: Yes! Teamplay: YES! Difficulty Settings: what for? Sounds: ccro1, howl_2, cricket3 and wind (these sounds are taken from other maps with no copyright for the sounds) Sky: bluesky Textures: 2 new ones, all the textures are in the zip folder besides the textures that are in pak0.pak ================================================================================================= *Construction* Editor(s) used: Qoole99 v.97 and Quark Other systems used: Arghrad Known Bugs: none Build Time: not actually known, made from time to time. ================================================================================================= *Copyright* Leave my map alone mapmakers! It's not allowed to build a base or some kind of map from this one except with my permission. ================================================================================================= *Things that I just had to say* Everyone who don't like my map at any way suck and have a bad taste of maps. PS: PLEASE! Get the LTK bot and test the map before you get fragged in it by professionals.