//*GENERAL*\\ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Title: Skytown2 |¨ | Filename: Skytown2.bsp | | Game: Action Quake2 | | Authors: Genie & Griffin | | Email: Genie@tukikohta.net | | Map type: Teamplay | +-------------------------------------------------------+ //*PLAYING INFO*\\ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Single Player: No | | Cooperactive: No | | Teamplay: Yes | | Deathmatch: Yes | | Difficulty settings: No | | New sounds: No | | New textures: Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------+ //*CONSTRUCTION*\\ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Build time: Weeks :) | | Compile Time: ~5hours | | Compile machine: AMD 800 with 392 MB RAM | | Editor used: Worldcraft | | Known bugs: Some meanless | +-------------------------------------------------------+ //*INSTALLATION*\\ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Unzip files to yourquake2folder\action | | Then go and play. Enjoy. | +--------------------------------------------------Genie+