Inside The Rocks - by Sabotuer ================================================================================================================== *MAP INFORMATION* Title: Inside The Rocks - by Sabotuer Filename: rocks.bsp Version: 3 Game: Action Quake 2 Author: Sabotuer (My real name is an icelandic name so you wouldn't understand it) EMail Address: Web Address: None (but I hope there will be someone someday) Desciption: A map similar to jungle1 Additional thanks to: Me for making the map, Shaymon for compiling the map and fixing the lights and few texture alignments the testers who I don't know by there names, Matt for the bunker (don't know who he is but got his prefab on the internet, Shadowqiller for the gasfireplace (same words I said about Matt) and some other guy that made the 2 rocks, The A-team for making the NEXT greatest mod ever (Wod is the greatest), for all the the great guys that made the textures in the map, and all the dudes that think my map "ROCKS". Installation: just unzip it to the quake2\action folder ================================================================================================================== *PLAY INFORMATION* Single player: No Cooperative: Not tested, But you can test it and email my how it is. Deathmatch: Yes, many spawnpoints Teamplay: Yes, and again many spawnpoints Difficulty Settings: what for? New Sounds: NO! New Graphics: NO the grass texture was made for another map! New Sky: NO! Textures: all in the zip folder except some that are in pak0.pak ================================================================================================================== *Construction* Editor(s) used: Qoole99 v.97 Known Bugs: the fireplace Build time: many many weeks Compile Time: don't know, ask Shaymon ================================================================================================================== *Copyright* Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM. This LEVEL may be distributed in any gameplay that's allready real or will be some day. You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in any way without my written permission (pretty hard to get, I live in Iceland). Action Quake II (C) 1998-99 The A-Team. Quake II (C) 1998-99 id Software. All rights reserved. ================================================================================================================== *Things that I just had to say* Everyone who don't like my map suck and have a bad taste of maps. PS: PLEASE! Get the LTK bot and test the map before you get fragged in it by professionals.