Maps with OMD_ prefix are by me ICQ - 11134720 Check my links page and please open them all- They will help support my unemployment :) --------- Credits go for textures to the respective authors Mapdesign and build credits go to me Testing kudos go to Stargate-Phoenix, Tachyon, Domino, Mantidoba, MacLeod, Gruuv --------- Mantidoba's Playground #1 DM players - should be good up to 10 TP Players should be good up to 16 --------- Please Note: this map was designed to hopefully eliminate spray N Prayers. There is plenty of ammo but in order to survive this map you must know how to hide , bandage and keep killing. I have noticed personally that when playing the only people who play any good on any map at all are those who know how to stay alive at all costs - They do this for the same reason I do The scoreing rewards you more for getting more kills in a row than die-kill-die-kill - Check out the scoring info on the action web page - you will understand soon enough. I can get scores up to 100 agains 8 people when 2 were using z-bot cheats or gl-cheats.. I am not saying i am great but i am saying that spray and pray is not the way to go. AMEN! BTW: Mantidoba is the latin word for Mantis as in Preying Mantis - and the b is silent! :)