Title: Hidden 3 Date: 06 June 2006 Tools: Worldcraft 1.6 and ARGH! tools Email: davidlundvall@hotmail.com Web: http://www.wizardext.se/ Credits: Jennie r1ch shadowfire Tim Wright A-TEAM Id Software Mum and Dad Comments: If Hidden2 took me a week to make, this one took atleast a month. Been working differently with this one, very much on and off. Some day 15 minutes, next day maybe 2 hours.. Differs very much from the previous Hidden maps, but still stays loyal and true to its theme. This one features a more opened and fast paced game. Had to take a different approach with this one, since the Hidden series isn't too poupular. :-/ It has been very healthy to work on this map. I experienced many obstacles this time, but I never gave up. Neither did I settle with something I wasn't fully satisfied with. Hope you enjoy this map, it has been really fun making! - David "WizardExt" Lundvall