Based on a section out of Dream--- i present ================================= GruuVe'z v0.8 ================================= for Action Quake Here ya go, long lines of fire, Lots of places to take cover, and no r_speeds above 600. (actually, i found 0ne place with a 615, but who cares). I hope dis puppy's fun. ==================================== name: wargroun.bsp v 0.8 -- still to be tested by AQMD author: GruuVe ('groove') mod: action DM and Teamplay reason: built for the hell ov it... wanted to play a map like this, now you can too. time to build: ~20 hours , maybe less date finished: feb 21 99 / brushes: 315 timing: (p2 416 ; 64 mb pc100 ) -qbsp3: 5 secs -qvis3: 2+1/2 min -qrad3: 25 min note... i tested it on my p133, 4mb S3-virge, 32mb EDO... so DONT bitch bout me being a MHertzHog... i know how it feels to be deprived, and sympathize... so i build my maps capable of running on ol'bessie.. *********************************** MAPPERS==> BTW, TYPE 'R_SPEEDS 1' in the console to look at the numbers of triangles being drawn. jus in case ya didnt know---- wpoly's (world polygons) are the ones that your map draws... If wpolys goes above 1000, slow machines are going to lag (especially in an Internet game) also remember- brushes dont exist after QBSP, dey turn to wpolys (for the better part) so... pay attention to those R_SPEEDS kiddies! ************************************ to try it out in single player, at the console type: set game action; map wargroun gimme a shout at or via ICQ <6125687> i'd love to answer any questions or suggestions ya got. enjoy! and *Getcha GruuV on*! boom.