December 19, 2000 ======================================================================= Title : The PlayGround 3 Filename : ground3.bsp Game : Action Quake2 Author : Andrei Constantin Drexler - Makro[PN] Email Address : Web Address : None yet. Soon - Description : A *very* detailed map, featuring both indoors and outdoors areas Additional Credits to : The guys at PC USER and anyone who thinks he needs additional credits ======================================================================= Base : My (sick?) imagination Editor(s) used : Qoole v2.50, QuArK, QERadiant 1.47, Paint Shop Pro 5-7, Bryce 3 & 4 Build Time : Well, that's a tough question. I started building it in... November 1999 for the mapping contest. When I realised I couldn't finish it in time, I abandoned the project, but after doing some thinking, I decided to keep working on it now and then. I guess it's almost done now (hopefully) Compile Machine : Back then, I had a P200, 64 Mb RAM, Voodoo2; Now - CeleronA/500, 64 Mb RAM, V2 Compile Time QBSP3 : 37 seconds QVIS3 : 23741 seconds (about 6 hours) ArghRad -extra : about 6501 seconds (1 h 48 min) ======================================================================= To install this map, extract all the files into your Action Quake2 dir ======================================================================= * Notes * --------- There are some things you must keep in mind before judging this map: - Although there are many alternative routes for getting just about anywhere in this map, I can't make any guarantees regarding gameplay since it has only been tested with bots - When I started it, it was just my *SECOND* AQ2 map and my *THIRD* Quake2 map. However, I have some extra mapping experience (Duke3D, Quake) and meanwhile I also made a few other maps This level looks best (I think) when played with fog - visit or to download the Licensed To Kill bot for AQ2 or the Computer Generated Forces, also for Q2. Both of these AQ2 mods support fog. To turn fog on (OpenGL only!), type in the Q2 console "set fog 1" and then load the map. The .fog file is included in the map's archive Hints: - You can USE many of the objects in this map. Try hitting 'opendoor' in front of the TV (not the one in the bar) to change the channel (sorry, only two channels available). You can use the PCs inside the PC USER room - There are always alternative routes for getting where you want, some of them not so obvious. Some objects might not be just scenery... E-mail me you you think you have something useful to say * Copyright / Permissions * --------------------------- You CAN'T modify this map. You CAN use the sky, any texture or sound This level has nothing to do with the other PlayGround level available for download on the AQMD site. This is the third in my PlayGround series of levels. The first PlayGround I made was an AQ2-style level for id's Q2. * Version history * ------------------- Dec 3, 2000: first public release Dec 18, 2000: - Software support - Removed a clip brush that was preventing the player from using door to the room with the power switch. This was also giving the impression that the doorway was too small. That brush was never supposed to be there in the first place. - Added some extra clip brushes for smoother player movement - Changed the light value for the largest sky brush from 350 to 375 (so the map looks slightly brighter) - Remade the flaming barrels. They look better now - Changed the textures I used in a hallway - Added a few spawn points - Moved the info_player_start I used as a info_intermission to a newer location. The old one had a SZ_GETSPACE: overflow problem (that could be seen when the timelimit/fraglimit was hit) - Made a lot of brushes func_walls to prevent them from subdividing the surfaces they touch. Also added some hint brushes. The result: lower r_speeds, a much faster VIS time (it dropped from 16 hours to just 6 !) and a smaller .bsp - Added some "antilights" to simulate shadows for the func_walls - Compiled the lighting with the -extra option. The lighting *should* look better Made in Romania