Rumble in the Bronx - by AnthraX ======== Author: AnthraX-KUI-, Mapname: bronx.bsp New sounds: yes New models: yes New Graphics: yes Game: Action quake2 only. Single Player: yes, if you want to Deathmatch: yes Teamplay: yes Making Time: About 20 hours all up Editor(s) Used: Worldcraft 1.6 shareware, Wally, Q2 Beaver Base: Scratch base Compile time ============ compiled on a PII 233, 64 meg Qbsp 15 seconds Qvis 4-5 hours Qrad 1-2 hours Installation ============ There are many files, and more than one directory, so I advise simply using Winzip and aiming it at your X:quake2\action (Action quake2 folder) when installing. Credits ===== The following people must be thanked for helping me create my first map EVER! TEXTURES - CWB (Christopher Buechler) Gerbil (John Parish) - the creator of the greatest map ever - urban 1 "The texture king" Ruskprick CryptR Seth Galbraith Brain Hatch Apocx (I didn't make my own textures because they would suck and I have never made a map in any way shape of form before this one!) PREFABS - HybriD (for the wicked vert ramp) SOUNDS - heavy.wav from KaRRiLLion SKY - Jason Abbott (the sky name is "city1") HELPERS - YT-KUI- (for getting me into map making) - Despoila-KUI- (for playtesting with me) - FiReWaLKeR [TDM] (for advice) - TWiSTeD {PAGAN} (for advice) - Everyone who gave me feedback of any sort Despriction. =========== A city you dumbass Bugs ==== The r_speeds are high in some places mostly due to the vert ramp, but it was so wicked I had to keep it in! Legal stuff =========== I dont mind if you decide you want to use this map as a base (not that I recommend it). I don't mind what you do with the map, if you can con someone into buying it from you then good-luck! Just remember if there is anything legal to do with the map, I NEVER EXISTED :) If you want to use the textures, please first ask the creators of them!If you ask nicely they will surely give them to you, free, yes free of charge. and if you have any problems, even suggestions, email me. If you want the internet sites of the textures then e-mail me as well. Thank you for Downloading The Forgotten city, I hope you enjoyed playing as much as i enjoyed making it.