-=-=-=-=A C T I O N * M E T R O P O L I S =-=-=-=- please view fullscreen in 800x600 Resolution =========================================================================================== Title : Action Metropolis Filename : actmet.bsp Game : AQ2 Author : Ray "INTERVAL" Yeung Email Address : kcryeung@myna.com kcryeung@hotmail.com if all else fails: coolteen@bxl.ca Web Address : www.myna.com/~kcryeung/ Description : It's early morning. The sun's rising, the dogs are barking, and your trusty submachinegun is aching to be fired. You get up and squint at the bright morning sun shining through the window. You look down, and see someone walking across the road. "Hey! Jay walker!" you scream to the man. The man looks up, and give you the bird. "Hmm.." you say to yourself. With a wide grin, you load a new clip into your MP5, took aim, and then sent the man's head rolling down the sidewalk. You yawn, and wander into the bathroom to wash your drool, and await another beautiful morning fragfest.... I've always liked the concept of "fraggin' in the city", but the cities I play never seem to be quite complete. Metropolis lets you roam around, and explore, puts you at the feet of devastatingly high highrises all the while giving you LOW r_speeds (low enough :-) ). Hide behind cars, duck behind fire hydrants, fall ten stories off of incredible buildings, venture into dark air ducts.... All the while putting bullets between the eyes of wandering bystanders. Do it ALL in Action Metropolis!! =========================================================================================== ** WARNING*** File consists of long .WAVs and a fast computer is suggested for optimal enjoyment. =========================================================================================== * Play Information * Settings : ACTION QUAKE SETTINGS...duh! You can play under Quake 2 if you want. Deathmatch 2-5 : YES! Great for 4 or 5, and still fun with 2. Deathmatch 6-100 : Hey, play 100 if your computers are fast enough! I say you don't want over 20 :-) TeamPlay : Yeah teamplay is F*CKIN' AMAZING!! The buildings work wonders!! New sounds : Yup. Like kitties and puppies? New textures : Yes, but I didn't make them. Requirments : I say use nothing lower than a P 200 with 3D Accel. I havn't tested the map with anything lower. R_Speeds : Lowest: 10 Highest: 1200 Average: 605 I'm pretty sure Action Metropolis is R_Speed friendly :-) =========================================================================================== * Construction * Date of conception : 28th June 1999... Idea came from REALLY old Quake 1 level. Official Finished Date (DD/MM/YY) : 25/07/99 Build Time : About 2 and a half weeks. Compile Time : txqbsp3 : 21 secs timvis3, level 4 : 75 secs ARGHRAD 2.01, extra : 2575 secs Editor(s) used : QuArK ver 5.9 (THE ALL MIGHTY!!) JamDonut, Paint Shop Pro 4, Adobe Photoshop 5, WinAmp, Win98 Sound Recorder, Base : Made from scratch (I'm proud!) Build Time : 2.5 weeks Known Bugs : Call it a bug if you want to.... Some times in certain areas there are unavoidable cut-node errors (sort of like missing patches) Couldn't get rid of them, unless I took brushes out - but I didn't want to ruin the detail work. Oh, watch out for the elevator buttons!! =========================================================================================== * Installation * : Unzip into your Action directory. So make sure all the textures and stuff are correctly installed. GO GET WINZIP!!! =========================================================================================== * Credits/Thanks * If you see a texture/sound in here that's made by you.... THANKS A LOT :-) Without these works of art, the level wouldn't have created the right atmosphere. For sure, these textures are absolutly tremendous! You guys have a lot of talent!! Thanks again! Sorry to those who I couldn't contact.... Trust me, I ment to.... but one thing led to another, and I failed :-( Hey, are you pissed off about something? E-mail me.... I'll work something up to your liking :-) About prefabs: I redesigned the prefab I used (jeep). The previous had TOO MANY brushes, so I made a more compact version. Thanks to the author of q2jeep. Also, the street lights I must give thanks to Scuzzy (Hope you understand :-) ) Lastly... Thanks to all the testers, AQMD, the QRally people for textures (sorry I couldn't inform you guys sooner), and special thanks to Hyperion, Decker, NoMad, ExTrEmE, fLAmeR and especially Armin Rigo. =========================================================================================== * Distribution / Copyright / Permissions * DO NOT USE MY MAP AS A BASE!! (Like, I can do anything about it..... bartards...) You are NOT allowed to distribute this map on a CD or sell it, unless i recieve money or a blow job... I perfer girls. If you want to complain about this map.... PLEASE DO! E-mail me!! I want to hear your bullshit! You may give me money for no reason! These kick-ass textures and sounds were not made by me, so ASK THE ORIGINAL ARTISTS!!! In other words: DON'T USE ANY OF THE TEXTURES OR SOUNDS IN THIS MAP FOR YOUR OWN MAPS AND LEVELS YOU COULD BE INFRINGING COPYRIGHT LAWS!! =========================================================================================== * Other Info and some Answers to some of the Asked Questions...* - Yes! This is my first map (believe it or not). I've made many others (Quake1 + 2), but none have been distributed. - YES! The map setting is in the MORNING! - There are some cool jumps in the level. Find them and send me some demos! I'd love to see your talent! - YES! YES! The elevator door does not automatically open! I didn't want it to because it would have slowed things down, and I wanted to give the "rider" a choice. - Sorry, I tried, but I couldn't stop the elevator buttons from killing you :-( - I spent about 2 days (48 hours, straight!) just on the lighting!!! I think it's pretty impressive... don't you? SEND ME FEED BACK! - Yes, you can go to almost EVERYWHERE in the map. There are ways! - Yes, you CAN get down from the high pertch! Just slowly shimmy yourself over. - Initially, the map was WAY bigger. There was a sewer, but I screwed up on the floor, created a massive leak and scrapped the whole plan. There was a movie theatre, but I used func_teleports and I didn't like that. There was a helicopter on a rooftop, but it didn't look real enough. Also, you could actually go into MORE buildings, and can go on to their roofs!! But this didn't work out since r_speeds went up to the 3000s. - Hardest part was to keep the r_speeds down while making the level seem big, REAL and complecated. - WHAT? NEED HELP? TEST? DEMO? PROBLEM? PISSED OFF? SURE!! Give me a buzz! =========================================================================================== * Tid-Bits * This is my first "official" map. I've been editing since the BEGINNING of Quake1, but I have never actually finished a map. (maybe I'll get a job...) "Action Metropolis" is WAY cool. I've spend hours perfecting it, and did HOURS and HOURS of testing and then MORE testing!! What I like best is the lighting -- I think I did a pretty good bang-up job with it! I tried to strive for a morning feel... Did I succeed? Should I make another map?? Give me some feed back!! Tell me how I can improve the map!!! Offer me a JOB, hehehe... (Please TITLE the e-mail) as you can probably tell, I like writing :-) =========================================================================================== _\?/_ (o o) ---oOO-{_}-OOo--- This readme has been brought to you by INTERVAL kcryeung@myna.com kcryeung@hotmail.com --------------------------